911 Training Officer

911 Training Officer

Class Description:

The "911 Training Officer" class is a specialized training program designed to equip both new and experienced training officers with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to effectively mentor and coach new recruits in the high-pressure environment of emergency dispatch. This course, instructed by a dispatch training SME, will cover common modern, real-world issues and offer creative solutions to get the best performance out of your recruit.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Coaching Techniques: Participants will learn a variety of coaching techniques tailored to the unique challenges of training new recruits in emergency dispatch. Training officers will develop skills in providing constructive feedback, setting achievable goals, and fostering a supportive learning environment conducive to trainee growth and development.
  2. Overcoming Trainee Plateaus: Training officers will gain strategies for identifying and addressing trainee plateaus—periods of stagnation or slower progress in skill development. By understanding common causes of plateaus, such as skill saturation or confidence issues, participants will learn how to tailor training approaches, provide additional support, and motivate trainees to overcome obstacles and continue progressing in their roles.
  3. Identifying Trainee Emotional Distress or Overwhelm: Participants will be trained to recognize signs of emotional distress or overwhelm in trainees, such as stress, anxiety, or burnout. Through case studies and interactive discussions, training officers will learn how to provide appropriate support and resources to help trainees cope with the challenges of the job and maintain their well-being throughout the training process.
  4. Training Officer's Role in 911 Hierarchy: Participants will gain insight into the role of the training officer within the hierarchy of the 911 dispatch center. This includes understanding the training officer's responsibilities in relation to other roles and departments, navigating organizational structures, and effectively communicating with leadership to advocate for training needs and priorities.

Delivery Method:

The class will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, and case studies. An experienced instructor with expertise in emergency dispatch and crisis intervention will facilitate engaging learning experiences that encourage active participation and skill development.


Online students are required to keep their cameras on, showing their face, throughout the entirety of the class. Students who exceed more than one hour of missed class time will not receive credit for the course and will have to retake it at a later date.

Target Audience:

This course is intended for both new and experienced training officers responsible for mentoring and coaching new recruits in emergency dispatch centers. It is suitable for individuals seeking to enhance their skills in training and development, as well as those looking to expand their understanding of the training officer's role within the broader context of the 911 dispatch hierarchy.


Upon completion of the "911 Training Officer" class, participants will possess the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively mentor and coach new recruits in emergency dispatch centers. By mastering the above key learning objectives, training officers will play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of emergency dispatch professionals and ensuring the continued effectiveness and resilience of dispatch operations.

Length of Class:

16 hours

Cost per Student:

Daytime (8am - 5pm EST) $275

Evening (4pm - 1am EST) $350

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