
What We Offer

Our learning opportunities are open to students and professionals from all industries.
We look forward to collaborating with you!

Online Classes

     We offer essential online classes featuring modern curriculum. Engaging in online training offers a refreshing change of environment from the typical workplace setting. This shift can stimulate creativity, enhance focus, and reduce monotony, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes.

     Our classes span either 8 or 16 hours and are available during both daytime and evening hours. Click on any class from the home page to access the schedule. Should you prefer to attend a class at a different time than its current schedule, please reach out to us, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request!

In-Person Group Training

     If your agency has multiple dispatchers interested in attending a class (or classes), we provide in-person group training at a discounted rate. In-person training sessions provide valuable opportunities for networking and team building among participants. Collaborative activities, group discussions, and shared experiences during training sessions foster camaraderie, encourage knowledge exchange, and strengthen professional relationships within the organization.

      Please get in touch with us via phone or email to arrange your live training session!

Consulting Services

     With our 911 Center Consulting Service, we diagnose operational and morale issues within emergency dispatch centers and offer tailored solutions to enhance employee happiness, engagement, and retention. Through thorough assessment and creative strategies, we aim to create a supportive work environment that fosters resilience and teamwork, ultimately improving operational effectiveness and ensuring the continued delivery of high-quality emergency services to the community.

     Please reach out to us to schedule a consultation. We're here to help!

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