Advanced Fire Radio

Advanced Fire Radio

Class Description:

The "Advanced Fire Radio" class is an advanced training program designed to provide dispatchers with comprehensive knowledge and skills essential for supporting firefighting operations and enhancing radio communication in emergency situations. This course goes beyond basic radio procedures to equip dispatchers with a deep understanding of firefighting operations, enabling them to deliver more accurate and relevant radio traffic to responding units.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Apparatus and Equipment: Dispatchers will gain in-depth knowledge of fire apparatus and equipment commonly used in firefighting operations. This includes understanding the capabilities and limitations of different types of fire engines, ladder trucks, and specialized vehicles, as well as the role of equipment such as hoses, nozzles, and breathing apparatus.
  2. Fireground Tactics: Participants will learn about various fireground tactics and strategies employed by firefighters to mitigate fire emergencies. Topics covered include fire attack methods, ventilation techniques, search and rescue operations, and incident command principles. Dispatchers will understand how these tactics influence radio communication and resource allocation during fire incidents.
  3. Fire Behavior: Dispatchers will study the behavior of fire and its impact on firefighting operations. Participants will learn about fire dynamics, including ignition, growth, and spread patterns, as well as factors influencing fire behavior such as fuel type, weather conditions, and building construction.
  4. Hazmat Incidents: Participants will receive training on handling hazardous materials (hazmat) incidents. This includes recognizing different types of hazardous materials, understanding associated risks and safety precautions, and coordinating response efforts with specialized hazmat teams and agencies. Dispatchers will learn how to effectively communicate hazmat-related information over the radio to ensure responder safety and incident containment.
  5. Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT): Dispatchers will learn about the role and responsibilities of rapid intervention teams (RIT) in firefighter rescue operations. Topics covered include RIT deployment procedures, emergency bailout techniques, and communication protocols for coordinating RIT operations with incident command and other responding units.
  6. Firefighter Safety: Participants will focus on firefighter safety considerations and protocols. This includes understanding common hazards and risks faced by firefighters, such as structural collapse, flashover, and thermal exposure, as well as strategies for mitigating these risks and ensuring responder safety throughout the duration of fire incidents. We will also discuss external factors such as violent citizens.

Delivery Method:

The class will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, and case studies. An experienced instructor with expertise in emergency dispatch will facilitate engaging learning experiences that encourage active participation and skill development.



Online students are required to keep their cameras on, showing their face, throughout the entirety of the class. Students who exceed more than one hour of missed class time will not receive credit for the course and will have to retake it at a later date.

Target Audience:

This course is ideal for experienced dispatchers seeking to deepen their understanding of firefighting operations and enhance their ability to support fireground activities through radio communication. It is particularly relevant for dispatchers working in jurisdictions with a high volume of fire-related emergencies or those looking to advance their career in emergency dispatch.


Upon completion of the "Advanced Fire Radio" class, participants will have acquired advanced knowledge and skills to deliver more effective and relevant radio traffic during firefighting operations. By understanding apparatus, fireground tactics, fire behavior, hazmat incidents, RIT operations, and firefighter safety protocols, dispatchers will play a crucial role in supporting incident command, ensuring responder safety, and ultimately contributing to the successful resolution of fire emergencies in their communities.

Length of Class:

8 hours

Cost per Student:

Daytime (8am - 5pm EST) $175

Evening (4pm - 1am EST) $250

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