Confidence Boost

Confidence Boost: Strategies for Assertive Corporate Success

Class Description:

"Confidence Boost: Strategies for Assertive Corporate Success" is a dynamic and empowering class designed to equip learners with the essential skills and mindset to navigate the corporate world with confidence and assertiveness. This course goes beyond traditional professional development programs by focusing on overcoming fears, mastering workplace anxiety, and learning to balance strength and professionalism. Through a combination of interactive workshops, role-playing exercises, and real-world case studies, participants will gain the knowledge and tools to assertively advocate for themselves, overcome obstacles, and achieve their career goals.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Negotiating for Higher Pay: Participants will learn proven negotiation techniques to confidently advocate for higher compensation and benefits. Through simulated negotiation scenarios and expert guidance, learners will develop the skills to articulate their value, conduct salary research, and negotiate effectively to secure better compensation packages.
  2. Dealing with Workplace Bullies: This class will provide strategies for effectively handling workplace bullies and difficult personalities. Participants will learn assertiveness techniques, boundary-setting skills, and conflict resolution strategies to assertively address bullying behavior and maintain a positive work environment.
  3. Getting Credit for Group Work: Participants will discover strategies to ensure fair recognition for their contributions to group projects and collaborative efforts. Through discussions on team dynamics, communication skills, and self-advocacy, learners will learn how to assertively communicate their contributions and ensure that their work is acknowledged and valued.
  4. Giving and Accepting Feedback: Participants will learn how to give and receive feedback assertively and constructively. Through role-playing exercises and feedback sessions, learners will practice delivering feedback with confidence, tact, and professionalism, as well as develop resilience and openness to receiving feedback to support their growth and development.
  5. Standing Out to Your Boss: Participants will explore strategies to strategically position themselves for advancement and recognition within their organization. From building a strong personal brand to proactively seeking opportunities for growth and visibility, participants will learn how to confidently stand out to their supervisors and showcase their value to the organization.

Delivery Method:

The class will be delivered through a combination of interactive lectures, group discussions, role-playing exercises, and real-world case studies. Experienced instructors with backgrounds in corporate leadership and professional development will provide practical insights, expert guidance, and personalized feedback to support participants in applying the strategies learned in class to their own career journeys.


Online students are required to keep their cameras on, showing their face, throughout the entirety of the class. Students who exceed more than one hour of missed class time will not receive credit for the course and will have to retake it at a later date.

Target Audience:

This course is ideal for professionals at all levels who aspire to enhance their confidence, assertiveness, and success in the corporate world. Whether participants are entry-level employees seeking to negotiate their first salary or seasoned professionals looking to advance their careers, this class offers valuable strategies and techniques to navigate corporate challenges with confidence and achieve professional growth and success.


Upon completion of the "Confidence Boost: Strategies for Assertive Corporate Success" class, participants will emerge with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to assertively advocate for themselves, navigate workplace challenges, and achieve their career aspirations. By mastering negotiation techniques, handling workplace conflicts, ensuring fair recognition, embracing feedback, and strategically standing out to supervisors, learners will be empowered to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and thrive in their professional endeavors.

Length of Class:

8 hours

Cost per Student:

Daytime (8am - 5pm EST) $175

Evening (4pm - 1am EST) $250

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