Dispatch Crisis/Hostage Negotiations

Dispatch Crisis/Hostage Negotiations

Class Description:

In this comprehensive training, dispatchers will learn crucial techniques for managing crisis and hostage situations over the phone. Through a blend of theory, practical exercises, and simulated scenarios, participants will gain confidence in navigating high-stress situations while ensuring the safety of both callers and responding personnel.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Crisis Intervention Skills: Dispatchers will gain a deeper understanding of mental health disorders, crisis intervention strategies, and available resources for individuals in distress. By honing their empathy and active listening skills, dispatchers will be better prepared to provide appropriate support and assistance to callers in crisis, fostering a compassionate and empathetic response.
  2. Identifying Hooks and Triggers: Participants will learn to recognize verbal and non-verbal cues indicative of escalating emotions or potential triggers and understand psychological dynamics to anticipate and de-escalate volatile situations.
  3. Slowing the Event Down: They will develop skills to employ active listening techniques, slowing down interactions and fostering a sense of control, and implementing strategies to buy time and create space for reasoned dialogue and potential tactical intervention.
  4. Maintaining Verbal Control: Participants will understand how to utilize empathetic communication to establish rapport and build trust with callers and manage emotional intensity with calm and assertive language to defuse tension and promote cooperation.
  5. Documentation for Pass-On: They will be able to develop clear and concise documentation protocols to capture critical information during the negotiation process, ensuring accurate and thorough documentation for seamless transfer of information to teammates and responding units.
  6. Face Sheets: Participants will create comprehensive face sheets to provide responders with essential background information on crisis situations and involved parties, prioritizing key details such as demographics, medical history, and known vulnerabilities to inform strategic decision-making and risk assessment.

Delivery Method:

The class will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, role-play, and case studies. An experienced instructor with expertise in emergency dispatch and crisis intervention will facilitate engaging learning experiences that encourage active participation and skill development.



Online students are required to keep their cameras on, showing their face, throughout the entirety of the class. Students who exceed more than one hour of missed class time will not receive credit for the course and will have to retake it at a later date.


Target Audience:

This training is designed for emergency dispatchers who handle incoming calls during crisis and hostage situations. It is particularly beneficial for dispatchers working in law enforcement agencies, emergency medical services, and fire departments. Additionally, it is suitable for dispatchers at emergency call centers and dispatch communication centers who may encounter similar high-stress scenarios.



Upon completion of this training, dispatchers will possess the knowledge, confidence, and practical skills needed to effectively manage crisis and hostage situations, contributing to safer outcomes for all parties involved.

Length of Class:

16 hours (2 days)

Cost per Student:

Daytime (8am - 5pm EST) $275

Evening (4pm - 1am EST) $350

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