Tactical Dispatch

Tactical Dispatch

Class Description:

The "Tactical Dispatch" class is an intensive training program designed to equip dispatchers with the specialized skills and knowledge required to effectively perform their duties in mobile or remote environments, away from the traditional 911 center. With a focus on supporting law enforcement operations in dynamic and high-risk situations, this course prepares dispatchers to facilitate seamless communication, coordination, and decision-making during critical incidents.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. SWAT Operations Support: Dispatchers will receive comprehensive training on supporting Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) operations. Topics covered include understanding SWAT team dynamics, coordinating tactical resources, and providing real-time information and logistical support to ensure mission success.
  2. Active Shooter Protocols: Participants will learn protocols and best practices for handling active shooter incidents. Dispatchers will develop the skills to rapidly assess evolving situations, initiate appropriate response actions, and disseminate critical information to responding units and command staff.
  3. Inner and Outer Perimeter Management: Dispatchers will learn strategies for creating and monitoring inner and outer perimeters during tactical operations. This includes understanding the importance of establishing secure boundaries, controlling access points, and managing communication channels to prevent unauthorized entry and ensure the safety of personnel and civilians.
  4. Command Post Protocols: Participants will be trained in command post operations and protocols, gaining insight into the role of dispatchers in supporting incident command functions. Dispatchers will learn how to establish and maintain effective communication with command personnel, manage resources and logistics, and facilitate situational awareness through accurate and timely reporting.

Delivery Method:

The class will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, and case studies. An experienced instructor with expertise in emergency dispatch and crisis intervention will facilitate engaging learning experiences that encourage active participation and skill development.



Online students are required to keep their cameras on, showing their face, throughout the entirety of the class. Students who exceed more than one hour of missed class time will not receive credit for the course and will have to retake it at a later date.

Target Audience:

This course is intended for experienced dispatchers who have a solid foundation in emergency call-taking and dispatching procedures. It is particularly relevant for dispatchers who may be required to deploy to field command posts or operate in mobile units during tactical incidents, such as SWAT deployments or large-scale public events.


Upon completion of the "Tactical Dispatch" class, participants will possess the specialized knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively support law enforcement operations in mobile or remote environments. By mastering the intricacies of SWAT operations, active shooter protocols, perimeter management, and command post procedures, dispatchers will play a vital role in enhancing the safety and effectiveness of tactical operations, ultimately contributing to the protection of lives and property in their communities.

Length of Class:

16 hours

Cost per Student:

Daytime (8am - 5pm EST) $275

Evening (4pm - 1am EST) $350

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